9 months old

Buzz is a big boy in more ways than one! He's getting older, taller, longer, wider & more mature. As his trainer says "There is nothing dainty about that dog!" LOL. I think she comparing him to the other border collie we have class with--a spindley little thing. Compared to your average Lab, he's dainty as all get out!

Here he is practicing "leave it"...what a good boy!

Making puppy angels in the snow.

As long as we are talking winter, here are some pictures I took after an ice storm last month. The ice storm took out a lot of trees in my neighborhood, but DANG was it gorgeous!





I think Buzz knows I miss the cat; he’s been consoling me with many cat-like behaviors

(1) curling up in my lap
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(2)"cleaning" me
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(3) lounging on the windowsill:
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(4) Batting his toys around with his front paws
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99 seconds with Buzz

I took all these pictures today at the park, check it out!
